Private lessons & Coaching
Is your progression slowing down ? Do you feel you need advice ? Would you like a personalised service ?
After discussing your goals and expectations, your instructor will follow you during your lesson and give you the right tips to maximise your progress.
Private lessons are subject to availability..

Private lessons
Déroulement : Meet your instructor 30 minutes before entering the pool. He will be with you in the water and you will be advised throughout your session.
Réservable avec les niveaux suivants :
Rookie rider
Intermediate Cruiser
Tarifs :
*Please note that the price of the session is not included.

Advanced coaching & video analysis
Déroulement : Your instructor is out of the water. You'll receive coaching during your session and then analyse your videos with your instructor.
Réservable avec les niveaux suivants :
Advanced Cruiser
Advanced Turn
Tarifs :
*Please note that the price of the session is not included.